Getting Started with CaImAn =========================== Demos ----- - Notebooks: The notebooks provide a simple and friendly way to get into CaImAn and understand its main characteristics. They are located in the ``demos/notebooks``. To launch one of the jupyter notebooks: .. code:: bash source activate CaImAn jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1.0e10 and select the notebook from within Jupyter’s browser. The argument ``--NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1.0e10`` will prevent any memory issues while plotting on a notebook. - demo files are also found in the demos/general subfolder. We suggest trying first as it contains most of the tasks required by calcium imaging. For behavior use - If you want to directly launch the python files, your python console still must be in the CaImAn directory. Basic Structure --------------- We recently refactored the code to simplify the parameter setting and usage of the various algorithms. The code now is based revolves around the following objects: - ``params``: A single object containing a set of dictionaries with the parameters used in all the algorithms. It can be set and changed easily and is passed into all the algorithms. - ``MotionCorrect``: An object for motion correction which can be used for both rigid and piece-wise rigid motion correction. - ``cnmf``: An object for running the CaImAn batch algorithm either in patches or not, suitable for both two-photon (CNMF) and one-photon (CNMF-E) data. - ``online_cnmf``: An object for running the CaImAn online (OnACID) algorithm on two-photon data with or without motion correction. - ``estimates``: A single object that stores the results of the algorithms (CaImAn batch, CaImAn online) in a unified way that also contains plotting methods. To see examples of how these methods are used, please consult the demos. Parameters ----------- CaImAn gives you access to a lot of parameters and lets you adapt the analysis to your data. Parameters are stored in the ``params`` object in a set of dictionaries, sorted by the part of the analysis they are used in: - ``data``: General params describing the dataset like dimensions, decay time, filename and framerate - ``init``: Parameters for component initialization like neuron size ``gSig``, patch size etc. - ``motion``: motion correction parameters (max shift size, patch size etc.) - ``online``: Parameters specific for the online OnACID algorithm - ``quality``: Parameters for component evaluation (spatial correlation, SNR and CNN) - ``spatial``: Parameters used in detection of spatial components - ``temporal``: Parameters used in extraction of temporal components and deconvolution Of these parameters, most have a default value that usually does not have to be adjusted. However, some parameters are crucial to be adapted to the specific dataset for proper analysis performance: - ``fnames``: List of paths to the file(s) to be analysed. Memmap and hdf5 result files will be saved in the same directory. - ``fr``: Imaging frame rate in frames per second. - ``decay_time``: Length of a typical transient in seconds. ``decay_time`` is an approximation of the time scale over which to expect a significant shift in the calcium signal during a transient. It defaults to ``0.4``, which is appropriate for fast indicators (GCaMP6f), slow indicators might use 1 or even more. However, `decay_time` does not have to precisely fit the data, approximations are enough. - ``p``: Order of the autoregressive model. ``p = 0`` turns deconvolution off. If transients in your data rise instantaneously, set ``p = 1`` (occurs at low sample rate or slow indicator). If transients have visible rise time, set ``p = 2``. If the wrong order is chosen, spikes are extracted unreliably. - ``nb``: Number of global background components. This is a measure of the complexity of your background noise. Defaults to ``nb = 2``, assuming a relatively homogeneous background. ``nb = 3`` might fit for more complex noise, ``nb = 1`` is usually too low. If ``nb`` is set too low, extracted traces appear too noisy, if ``nb`` is set too high, neuronal signal starts getting absorbed into the background reduction, resulting in reduced transients. - ``merge_thr``: Merging threshold of components after initialization. If two components are correlated more than this value (e.g. when during initialization a neuron was split in two components), they are merged and treated as one. - ``rf``: Half-size of the patches in pixels. Should be at least 3 to 4 times larger than the expected neuron size to capture the complete neuron and its local background. Larger patches lead to less parallelization. - ``stride``: Overlap between patches in pixels. This should be roughly the neuron diameter. Larger overlap increases computational load, but yields better results during reconstruction/denoising of the data. - ``K`` : Number of (expected) components per patch. Adapt to ``rf`` and estimated component density. - ``gSig``: Expected half-size of neurons in pixels [rows X columns]. CRUCIAL parameter for proper component detection. - ``method_init``: Initialization method, depends mainly on the recording method. Use ``greedy_roi`` for 2p data, ``corr_pnr`` for 1p data, and ``sparse_nmf`` for dendritic/axonal data. - ``ssub/tsub``: Spatial and temporal subsampling during initialization. Defaults to 1 (no compression). Can be set to 2 or even higher to save resources, but might impair detection/extraction quality. Component evaluation -------------------- The quality of detected components is evaluated with three parameters: - Spatial footprint consistency (``rval``): The spatial footprint of the component is compared with the frames where this component is active. Other component's signals are subtracted from these frames, and the resulting raw data is correlated against the spatial component. This ensures that the raw data at the spatial footprint aligns with the extracted trace. - Trace signal-noise-ratio (``SNR``): Peak SNR is calculated from strong calcium transients and the noise estimate. - CNN-based classifier (``cnn``): The shape of components is evaluated by a 4-layered convolutional neural network trained on a manually annotated dataset. The CNN assigns a value of 0-1 to each component depending on its resemblance to a neuronal soma. Each parameter has a low threshold (``rval_lowest (default -1), SNR_lowest (default 0.5), cnn_lowest (default 0.1)``) and high threshold (``rval_thr (default 0.8), min_SNR (default 2.5), min_cnn_thr (default 0.9)``). A component has to exceed ALL low thresholds as well as ONE high threshold to be accepted. Additionally, CNN evaluation can be turned off completely with the ``use_cnn`` boolean parameter. This might be useful when working with manually annotated spatial components (seeded CNMF (link to notebook?)), where it can be assumed that manually registered ROIs already have a neuron-like shape. Result Interpretation ---------------------- As mentioned above, the results of the analysis are stored within the ``estimates`` objects. The basic entries are the following: Result variables for 2p batch analysis -------------------------------------- The results of CaImAn are saved in an ``estimates`` object. This is stored inside the cnmf object, i.e. it can be accessed using ``cnmf.estimates``. The variables of interest are: - ``estimates.A``: Set of spatial components. Saved as a sparse column format matrix with dimensions (# of pixels X # of components). Each column corresponds to a spatial component. - ``estimates.C``: Set of temporal components. Saved as a numpy array with dimensions (# of components X # of timesteps). Each row corresponds to a temporal component denoised and deconvolved. - ``estimates.b``: Set of background spatial components (for 2p analysis): Saved as a numpy array with dimensions (# of pixels X # of components). Each column corresponds to a spatial background component. - ``estimates.f``: Set of temporal background components (for 2p analysis). Saved as a numpy array with dimensions (# of background components X # of timesteps). Each row corresponds to a temporal background component. - ``estimates.S``: Deconvolved neural activity (spikes) for each component. Saved as a numpy array with dimensions (# of background components X # of timesteps). Each row corresponds to the deconvolved neural activity for the corresponding component. - ``estimates.YrA``: Set of residual components. Saved as a numpy array with dimensions (# of components X # of timesteps). Each row corresponds to the residual signal after denoising the corresponding component in ``estimates.C``. - ``estimates.F_dff``: Set of DF/F normalized temporal components. Saved as a numpy array with dimensions (# of components X # of timesteps). Each row corresponds to the DF/F fluorescence for the corresponding component. To view the spatial components, their corresponding vectors need first to be reshaped into 2d images. For example if you want to view the i-th component you can type :: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(); plt.imshow(np.reshape(estimates.A[:,i-1].toarray(), dims, order='F')) where ``dims`` is a list or tuple that has the dimensions of the FOV. To get binary masks from spatial components you can apply a threshold before reshaping: :: M = estimates.A > 0 masks = [np.reshape(np.array(M[:,i]), dims, order=‘F') for i in range(M.shape[1])] Similarly if you want to plot the trace for the i-th component you can simply type :: plt.figure(); plt.plot(estimates.C[i-1]) The methods ``estimates.plot_contours`` and ``estimates.view_components`` can be used to visualize all the components. Variables for component evaluation ---------------------------------- If you use post-screening to evaluate the quality of the components and remove bad components the results are stored in the lists: - ``idx_components``: List containing the indexes of accepted components. - ``idx_components_bad``: List containing the indexes of rejected components. These lists can be used to index the results. For example ``estimates.A[:,idx_components]`` or ``estimates.C[idx_components]`` will return the accepted spatial or temporal components, respectively. If you want to view the first accepted component you can type :: plt.figure(); plt.imshow(np.reshape(estimates.A[:,idx_components[0]].toarray(), dims, order='F')) plt.figure(); plt.plot(cnm.estimates.C[idx_components[0]]) Variables for 1p processing (CNMF-E) ------------------------------------ The variables for one photon processing are the same, with an additional variable ``estimates.W`` for the matrix that is used to compute the background using the ring model, and ``estimates.b0`` for the baseline value for each pixel. Variables for online processing ------------------------------- The same ``estimates`` object is also used for the results of online processing, stored in ``onacid.estimates``. Logging ------- Python has a powerful built-in `logging module `_ for generating log messages while a program is running. It lets you generate custom log messages, and set a threshold to determine which logs you will see. You will only receive messages above the severity threshold you set: you can choose from: ``logging.DEBUG``, ``logging.INFO``, ``logging.WARNING``, ``logging.ERROR``, or ``logging.CRITICAL``. For instance, setting the threshold to ``logging.DEBUG`` will print out every logging statement, while setting it to ``logging.ERROR`` will print out only errors and critical messages. This system gives much more flexibility and control than interspersing ``print()`` statements in your code when debugging. Our custom formatted log string is defined in the ``log_format`` parameter below, which draws from a predefined `set of attributes `_ provided by the logging module. We have set each log to display the time, severity level, filename/function name/line number of the file creating the log, the process ID, and the actual log message. While logging is especially helpful when running code on a server, it can also be helpful to get feedback locally, either to audit progress or diagnose problems when debugging. If you set this feature up by running the following cell, the logs will by default go to console. If you want to direct your log to file (which you can indicate with ``use_logfile = True``), then it will automatically be directed to your ``caiman_data/temp`` directory as defined in the ``caiman.paths`` module. You can set another path manually by changing the argument to the ``filename`` parameter in ``basicConfig()``. :: use_logfile = True # set to True to log to file if use_logfile: current_datetime ="_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") log_filename = 'demo_pipeline' + current_datetime + '.log' log_path = Path(cm.paths.get_tempdir()) / log_filename print(f"Will save logging data to {log_path}") else: log_path = None log_format = "{asctime} - {levelname} - [{filename} {funcName}() {lineno}] - pid {process} - {message}" logging.basicConfig(format=log_format, filename=log_path, level=logging.WARNING, style="{") #DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL Caiman makes extensive use of the log system, and we have place many loggers interleaved throughough the code to aid in debugging. If you hit a bug, it is often helpful to set your debugging level to ``DEBUG`` so you can see what the different functions in Caiman are doing. Once you have configured your logger, you can change the level (say, from ``WARNING`` to ``DEBUG``) using the following: :: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) Estimator design ---------------- For the main computations in the pipeline -- like motion correction and CNMF -- the estimators are not initialized and run all at once. These are broken up into two steps: * Initialize the estimator object (e.g., ``MotionCorrect``, ``CNMF``) by sending it the set of parameters it will use. * Run the estimator, fitting it to actual data. For ``CNMF`` this will be done using the ``fit()`` method. For motion correction it is ``motion_correct()``. This modular architecture, where models are initialized with parameters, and then estimates are made with a separate call to a method that carries out the calculations on data fed to the model, is useful for a few reasons. One is that it allows for efficient exploration of parameter space. Often, after setting some *initial* set of parameters, you will want to modify the parameters after visualizing your data (e.g., after viewing the size of the neurons). Note that our API is like that used by the `scikit-learn `_ machine learning library. From their `manuscript on api design `_ : :: Estimator initialization and actual learning are strictly separated... The constructor of an estimator does not see any actual data, nor does it perform any actual learning. All it does is attach the given parameters to the object....Actual learning is performed by the `fit` method. p 4-5 If you *do* want to initialize and run in one line of code, you can chain methods. For instance for CNMF you could do ``cnmf.CNMF().fit()`` (adding appropriate parameters). Cluster setup and shutdown --------------------------- Caiman is optimized for parallelization and works well at HPC centers as well as laptops with multiple CPU cores. The cluster is set up with Caiman's ``setup_cluster()`` function, which takes in multiple parameters: :: c, cluster, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='multiprocessing', n_processes=None, ignore_preexisting=False) The ``backend`` parameter determines the type of cluster used. The default value, ``'multiprocessing'``, uses the multiprocessing package, but ``ipyparallel`` is also available. More information on these choices can be found `here `_. You can set the number of processes (cpu cores) to use with the ``n_processes`` parameter: the default value ``None`` will lead to the function selecting one *less* than the total number of logical cores available. The parameter ``ignore_preexisting``, which defaults to ``False``, is a failsafe used to avoid overwhelming your resources. If you try to start another cluster when Caiman already has one running, you will get an error. However, sometimes on more powerful machines you may want to spin up multiple Caiman environments. In that case, set ``ignore_preexisting`` to ``True``. The output variable ``cluster`` is the multicore processing object that will be used in subsequent processing steps. It will be passed as a parameter in subsequent stages and is the fulcrum for parallelization. The other output that can be useful to check is ``n_processes``, as it will tell you how many CPU cores you have set up in your cluster. Once you are done running computations that will use the cluster (typically: motion correction, CNMF, and component evaluation), then it can be a useful to save CPU resources by shutting it down: :: cm.stop_server(dview=cluster) We typically use this method to shut down pre-existing clusters before starting a new one, just in case we run the same piece of code multiple times. Memory Mapping --------------- Caiman uses memory mapping extensively as a tool for out-of-core computation. In general, memory mapped files are binary files saved to disk, and the operating system can work with them as if they were in RAM by just loading parts of the files into memory when needed for particular computations. This is known as *out of core computation*. This is how Caiman is able to work with large files without loading them into RAM. .. image:: ../img/memmap_cartoon.jpg When saving memory mapped files, you can save them in F (Fortran) or C order. This determines whether the bytes will be read/written by column or by row, respectively. This is important because certain operations are much faster on C-order arrays vs F-order arrays. For motion correction, which needs to access contiguous sequences of frames (often in the middle of the movie), it is much more efficient to read and write in F order. On the other hand, when it comes to CNMF, you need to access individual pixels across the entire movie, so Caiman saves the motion-corrected movie in C-order before running CNMF.