Handling movies ================ This page gives a basic intro on the movie object for loading, manipulating, displaying and saving movies. Loading movies -------------- Movies can be loaded either individually or as a set. To load a single movie: .. code:: python import caiman as cm single_movie = cm.load('example_movies/demoMovie.tif') print(single_movie.shape) To load multiple movies and display them in sequence: .. code:: python import caiman as cm file_names = ['example_movies/demoMovie.tif', 'example_movies/demoMovie.tif'] # for the sake of the example we repeat the same movie movies_chained = cm.load_movie_chain(file_names) print(movies_chained.shape) One can specify several parameters while loading. For instance frame rate, or if only some portion of the movies needs to be loaded, and so on. Check the documentation. Both functions returns a movie object. The movie object can also be constructed giving as input one 3D array (time x x_dimension x y_dimension). Example. .. code:: python import caiman as cm movie_random = cm.movie(np.random.random([1000,100,100])) Saving movies ------------- Movies can be saved in several different formats (.mat, .tif, .hdf5, etc). In order to save just call the save command with the appropriate file extension. .. code:: python movie_random.save('movie_random.tif') It is also possible to save in a memory mappable format. This is an advanced topic that is dealt with in the demos in the root folder. Visualizing movies ------------------ One can very efficiently play movies with the play function. The play function has options to modulate the exposure, the magnification, the playing frame rate, and adjusting contrast by setting the quantiles `q_min` and `q_max` that correspond to the minimum and maximum values being displayed (sometimes movies have weird range of values, making this normalization necessary for good visualization) Example: .. code:: python movies_chained.play(magnification = 2, fr=30, q_min=0.1, q_max=99.75) Playback of a movie can be interrupted by pressing `q`. Movie objects are stored as numpy arrays and standard operations can be applied: .. code:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(np.mean(movies_chained,0)) plt.imshow(np.std(movies_chained,0)) plt.plot(np.mean(movies_chained, axis = (1,2))) In this sense it is also very convenient the correlation image .. code:: python CI = movies_chained.local_correlations(eight_neighbours=True, swap_dim=False) pl.imshow(CI) This supposes that your movie is stored is represented in T x X x Y format. If the time dimension is last, then use `swap_dim=True` Manipulating movies ------------------- concatenation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Movie objects behave like a numpy array. They can be summed, multiplied, divided, etc… This behavior is very versatile. The are only a few functions that cannot be implemented as an array, for instance concatenation. For that operation there is a special function, cm.concatenate: .. code:: python movies_chained = cm.concatenate([movie1, movie2] , axis=0) This will concatenate movie1 and movie2 along the time axis. Note that the axis ordering here is T x X x Y movie resizing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes it is useful to downsample or upsample the movies across some dimensions. We have implemented an efficient way of doing so, based on the opencv library. Below an example putting it all together: .. code:: python movies_chained = cm.concatenate([movie1, movie2] , axis = 1).resize(1,1,.5).play(magnification=2, fr=50) This command will concatenate `movie1` and `movie2` along axis `x`, then it will downsample the resulting movie along the temporal axis by a factor of 2, and finally it will play the resulting movie magnified by a factor of 2. Note that unlike `cm.concatenate`, for `movie.resize` the axis ordering is X x Y x T (time appears in the last dimension).